I Have Had A Surprise and its left me Emotional
Hey Girls and guys I am writing this post whilst feeling really emotional I will explain further on.
I recently had an email telling me about a competition with been a lover of competitions.
I decided to click only to find it was a competition named second chance.
Basically you had to write about what second chance you would like which could be stuff like second chance at attempting to pass driving lesson, or second chance as renewing wedding vows and having a nice wedding, or even something like second chance of ivf.
Basically you write what you want a second chance at if you win they will contact you.
Anyway I feel like a bad mum right now I kinda almost did not wanna add this in.
because of the judgemental world out there but you know what
I am going to tell you because you are like my second family,friends.
The Entry I Was Going To Do Was
I would like a second chance if putting my teeth right as they are crooked and have been since i was young, I would like to smile properly without feeling sad deep inside knowing my smile is not good to look at. and having to sometimes cover my mouth with my hand when i eat because i am ashamed of my teeth that much I try to hide them as much as possible.
I was going to enter that but then I looked over at my photo of chloe and my heart melted.
And decided To delete what I had typed and retype something else.
Something for my daughter who I love so dearly she melts my heart.
My Second Chance Entry Was The Following
I would like a second chance of making my daughter have a nice birthday, she is 5 and has never had a birthday/ birthday party and i feel like a bad mum because i really want her to have a normally birthday with her friends like every other child but money really holds me back its between putting food on our table as a family or throwing a party.
normally for chloes birthday we just stay in eat cake, and once before I took her bowling
with hubby which was last year for her birthday as some of you may remember from the blog post I wrote on tenpin where ten pin gave her her own bowling pin to keep?
Well anyway a few days passed or maybe a week so emotional I can't remember.
And scrolling through my emails and come across an email with the subject second chance.
I thought ah Probably an email to say sorry better luck next time.
So i went to click it to reply thank you anyway.
But started to read the email and I couldn't believe my eyes.
They started to fill up with tears as my heart started to beat faster and harder.
The email read
Hi Caroline,
Hope you are having nice day.
I am very happy to tell you that you have been picked as a spot prize winner!
We would like to throw a birthday party for your daughter.
Would you mind to let me know when is your daughter birthday and your address
so I can get back to you with our ideas?
Kind regards
I didn't believe it at first I almost dropped to my knees with tears I was so overwhelmed but had to hold in the excitement and hold back my emotions because i wanted to find out more.
Anyway The lovely lady hana who emailed me said to keep my eyes out in the mail.
Because she posted out a balloon and certicute.
Well A Few Days Passed By
Well totally forgetting that she was sending me something in the mail.
hubby signed for a box which was reasonably big
he was confused and was like this box is rather light.
Anyway I opened the box to see a balloon staring at me in the face
I was hunting inside for a letter or note of some sort.
nothing was in this mysterious box apart from a pretty pink balloon.
I started to think I had some sort of stalker or something.
I aint even joking I posted on facebook saying that I have been sent a random balloon.
Anyway I emailed hana back.
Hi hana,
I just had a balloon arrived I am a bit confused.
Did you send me a balloon? there is no certificate in the box?
She emailed me back and said
“Hi Caroline,
Sorry to give you such a shock ha! Yes,
the certificate was posted separately,
sorry I didn't mentioned that.
It should arrive today, latest tomorrow morning.
Hope that’s okay.
I think it was the next day when the postman delivered some mail.
There was one for me I open it to see what it was.
It was a little certificate saying I had won the spot prize.
straight away I scarpered to my grab my laptop to send hana an email to say thank you.
Me and hubby then put the certificate in the box with the balloon for chloe.
Because chloe is always excited to open my parcels,
on the way home from school we told her there was a parcel for her.
We come through the door and she takes off her little coat.
Walks through to the lounge to find this mysterious parcel.
All excited she opens the parcel to find a balloon and her certificate.
She is so happy to be having her first party.
Shes currently counting down the days
Oh and begging me to ask queen elsa to attend.
Chloe says " I am so happy mummy thank you.
I cant wait to have my very own party like all the other boys and girls.
I cant wait to bounce on a bouncy castle with all my friends.
Thank you mummy for winning I love you"
chloe is excited to have her first ever birthday party with friends shes asking me everyday now if she can use my phone to ask google how many sleeps till her birthday haha shes obsessed with time asks google how many sleeps to easter, christmas etc.
I have a surprise for you now!
I am really overjoyed and wanted to take this moment to tell you something really special.
The competition is still open as they want to make more happy.
Is there something you want to do?
Take your kids on holiday after your last holiday was ruined by bad weather?
Remarry your wife/husband after your first wedding was ruined in some way?
Retake your driving lessons after you failed the last ones?
plastic surgery gone wrong and want a chance to have the opportunity to correct it?
What ever the case maybe why not enter and see if you win.
I really hope you enjoyed reading I feel alot better after sharing with you
I really hope some of my readers win something really special,
because you are all truly special to me with your support and friendship.
Thank you for reading
Are you gonna enter for s second chance?
What did you think of my emotional surprise?
What would you choose if you enter?
How would you feel if you won?