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image source professional beauty website |
Professional beauty event excel london 2015
HI guys and girls Today i wanted to share with you my experience this is a kind of a personal post as well as it been a post to inform you what happens at the event etc what I experienced.
February 23rd 2015 I attended professional beauty excel london which was my first time.
First of all i had tickets in the post which was visitor tickets and behind them was my neighbours tickets which I popped down to hers for her as they was meant to arrive in her letterbox and ended up in my pack in my letter box which was brilliant because i suffer panic moments travelling through london etc and i only knew her from the school run it gave us a chance to get to know each other and travel up together.
Anyway because I do my blog here I upgraded my Tickets to the press tickets.
which are basically the same as visitors tickets apart from been able to sit in the press office to make notes etc like things at the event and so on not much difference really to any other ticket.
Anyway the journey up wasn't to bad I travelled up with my neighbour who showed me the way,
after getting one bus, one train, one tube and one dlr we was finally at the event, she had to meet her colleagues so I went on in to explore….
First impressions…
Oh my its so big where do i start there is so many stalls to look at so many brands so many products every shopaholic's dream, I was not so much there to shop though more to get some knowledge what other brands are out there, what upcoming products are there are.
If i had more time i would of probley ended up with no money in my account because there was so many lovely things to buy Also was tempted with a spray tan which was free when you spend ten pounds also included in that was a free bikini although I did not have time to strip off and get a tan.
Maybe next time if I will be able to fit in a lovely spray tan.
I managed to talk to a few brands and have a look what's on the market and what's to come from moisturisers to body scrubs, lashes,make-up teeth whitening tanning and much much more.
Press Office
I was so overwhelmed by it all i went for a tea break at the press office
I put my feet up and my bags down and enjoyed my sweet cup of tea,
whilst jotting down notes and replying to emails on my phone.
In the press office its literary right in between the stalls
so you can still sit in there whilst jotting notes.
which is nice in the sense of seeing everyone happy and shopping.
It is for sure a really nice vibe it was a nice experience for me.
Then continued to have a wander around the event and came across a photographer See Li.
Who was very welcoming and friendly and took a couple of photos of me you can see those photos here if you would like as well as other photos he took at the event.
See Li is a friendly photographer who made time for me and was very welcoming.
it was a great pleasure to meet him and see his great work his photography is fab and i love his photography he is a very bright talented man.
After speaking to see li i had a wander again omg this place is so big i aint even joking even i kept getting lost and couldn't find my way back to press area so just kept on walking around to explore and look at all the great beauty products then i come across a very busy part.
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photo source http://www.professionalbeauty.co.uk/ |
I then saw Amy child's on her stall I tried to get a quick 2 Min chat with Her to see if there was any upcoming products i could talk to you about etc but she was busy, she was only be able to talk to people who was buying her products there.
so i am afraid i am not sure if she has any upcoming products or not for some of you who was asking who knew I was going to the event I am ever so sorry I couldn't find out.
I try keep my eyes peeled and if i do see a new upcoming one of amys
those that asked me I will email you if i come across any upcoming products.
those that asked me I will email you if i come across any upcoming products.
Anyway I continued walking and came across loads more including some very bright,
funky coloured sunbeds which caught my eye I adore these they remind me of nightclubs,
with the bright beautiful colours that stand out a mile, seeing these made me smile.
I haven't used a sunbed before but I like the look of these compared to the normal ones.
Anyway Having to leave some bits out of this post as its already longer than it should be.
keeping in the bits that really had an impact on my day things i really liked etc.
Not to be missed !!
Oh my so excited to share with you one in particular thing I almost fainted when i saw what it could do if i told you and didn't have pics to prove it I am sure you would not believe me my hubby did not even believe me when I told him over phone when i was at the event.
if you like getting your nails done this is something you will want to use on yourself or even invest in one for your home or salon etc I aint even joking this part comes with a warning.
please make sure you're sitting down to see this !!
Nail art pro is a printer machine that can put any design onto your nails.
ready made designs, photographs, drawings you name it if you want it on your nails the nail art pro printer can do it, at the event they showed me the machine and because the machine has its very own camera I was able to take a selfie and have it put onto a false nail.
See pictures below
To find out more about this product and brand please have a look at the artpro website
let me know what you think of the printer and what designs you would print if you owned the machine, I would have my daughters drawings on my nails if it was me.
Coffee for skin?
I also want to talk to you about an amazing coffee scrub that i tried whilst at the event.
you all know i adore coffee but this is not edible you can not eat or drink it.
But you can use it on skin which the lovely people at grounded scrub
let me try some it left my hands so soft to find out more feel free to check out their website
Also give them a like/add on Facebook and let them know I sent you over.
they are very wonderful people and very helpful with any questions I had about the scrub.
All good things come to an end.
There was so much to look at even though I pretty much stayed all day I still didn't have time to see everything it is so big and does get busy early in the day so had a few breaks at press office.
I didn't manage to get many photos but hope the stuff I have included is helpful.
There was also little shows on the stages which i walked past and had a quick look.
I highly recommend going to professional beauty its a great experience.
There was so many lovely brands that attended fitting them all onto this post we would be here all year quite literally so apologies again if there is not much in this post for you.
but over the next few months gonna try find some more products to show you.
Small list of Some of the brands at the event.
I will try review a product I got at the event.
what could it be? your have to wait to find out.
Clue is Blue.
Thats all for now Maybe see you soon at professional beauty next year?
If i go next year and you see me come say hello don't be shy.
Speak to you all very soon
Thank you for reading my experience at the event.
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