Wednesday 12 September 2018

I Am So Sorry

Hey guys and girls, sorry its been awhile since I last posted,
long story short I wasn't well when I last posted the head pains finally went away after cutting aspartame out of my diet , but did find out I had brain aneurysms that aside not long after all that I was still very poorly and kept being fobbed off by my doctors then eventually found out I had high blood pressure and was put on meds for ages and they wasn't working some time after i was sent for a scan and they had found a tumor on my right adrenal gland which was called pheochromocytoma which is very rare thing to have.

I was put on meds to stop the high amounts of adrenaline which was causing a lot of symptoms such as high blood pressure and always being hot and having hot flashes and had to go for check ups few times a month that brings me to january 2018 when they finally removed my adrenal gland and tumor. 

Anyway After been ill for so long and losing my motivation to blog, im slowly going to come back and do more reviews for you on products I am trying and loving. I rarely do a review if i don't like a product partly cos i don't come across ones I don't like often as i read reviews before buying, but on the off chance when i don't like a product i try be constructive rather than been full on negative because i understand that something i don't like someone else will.

Anyway I am rambling again thought I would touch base let you all know I am alive.I hope you are all well, can't wait to share loads more reviews with you all.

Lots of love hugs and kisses

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